Informes de referencia
A continuación se han recopilado diferentes recursos -informes, publicaciones, etc.- elaborados en todo el mundo en torno al impacto de la pandemia por Covid-10 con perspectiva de género, que han servido de referencia e inspiración para llevar a cabo el proyecto.
Fuentes de datos y evidencias de sexo y género:
Covid-10 and gender: What do we know; what do we need to know?
Covid-19 worldwide: we need precise data by age group and sex urgently
Utilizing evidence-based research to incorporate a gendered lens for the COVID-19 pandemic
Surveys show that COVID-19 has gendered effects in Asia and the Pacific
Realización de análisis / medidas de género para construir evidencia sobre género y Covid-19:
Publicaciones y artículos:
The COVID-19 Outbreak and Gender: Key Advocacy Points from Asia and the Paci?c
Gender differences in patients with COVID-19: Focus on severity and mortality
Planning for prevention: Spotlighting potential gendered implications of COVID-19 in Fiji
Call to Action: Now and the Future, COVID-19 and Gender Equality, Global Peace and Security
The First 100 Days of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Asia and the Pacific: A Gender Lens
COVID-19: Cultural Predictors of Gender Differences in Global Prevalence Patterns
Compilación de recursos - género y Covid-19:
PMNCH guidance on COVID-19 and women, children and adolescents’ health
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - COVID-19 resources
Utilizing evidence-based research to incorporate a gendered lens for the COVID-19 pandemic
Gender Perspectives on COVID-19 in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Resources and Information
COVID-19 Crisis from a feminist perspective: overview of different articles published
Gender Perspectives on COVID-19 in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Resources and Information
Family Planning & Reproductive Health Community-Contributed COVID-19 Resources
Coronavirus - Resources from the Society for Women’s Health Research
Gender data is a critical input for a gender-sensitive response to COVID-19.